When to Mow & How Much Watering After Winter Lawn Overseeding
We have been getting lots of questions regarding when to mow after overseeding with a winter lawn and what the watering schedule should be after that first mow. We recommend mowing the lawn the first time 3-4 weeks after the seed is put down. At AMS Landscaping we actually prefer to wait until week 4 since we like to go back to our properties 2 weeks after seeding to fill in bare areas with more seed and keep the watering to 3 times per day all the way up to the day we mow so we get the most growth out of the lawn before cutting the water back to 3 times per week. You never want to cut off more than 30% of the leaf/blade of the grass when mowing the first time so you do not pull out any of the roots during this first mow. Here is an example of of what we like doing here at AMS Landscaping;
Scalped and planted on 10/1 (set water to run 3 times per day)
Fill in bare areas with seed & topper 10/15 (continue watering 3 times per day)
Turn water off 24-48 hours before mowing to allow soil to dry 10/27-28
Mow the lawn for the first time 10/29 (set water to run 3 times per week)
If you have any landscaping questions,
Please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact.
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