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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Do You Need Yard Service in Arizona?

Is that really true? Does a homeowner need yard service in Arizona?

How to Save Money and Maintain Your Lawn: A blog about saving money with yard services here in our Arizona desert climate.

After moving to the desert, many people wonder why they need yard service. But, after a little research about the Phoenix area, you will find that there are many reasons to keep our landscape maintenance services.  Arizona yard maintenance is not the same as Michigan or Philadelphia. In those states you are covered by snow during the winter and hot humid summers. In Arizona that’s not the case. There is a rain season during the winter months and absolutely no humidity to speak of. With that in mind, there are certain yard care services that a person must still consider when moving into an Arizona residence.  Here are a few reasons why you still may need landscaping maintenance services here in the Valley.

Just because you have no grass doesn’t mean the yard can be neglected.  Yards in Phoenix still collect leaf debris and we get the most growth from plants & trees in the spring and summer months.  If you ignore the landscaping for a few months you will quickly find that you are spending lots of time or money to get the yard caught back up.  We find that people from Oregon to Connecticut are all surprised how much work is still needed when it comes to maintaining a desert landscape.

It’s Hot!  When temperatures hit over 100 degrees in the summer and never below 80 degrees at night you will find that even cleaning up leaf shed or cutting back a few branches is quite the chore.  Nothing is worse than having to do the most work to your yard in the summer months here in Arizona.  Also keep in mind that when we have extreme temperatures and lack of rain it only takes a few weeks with no water to kill much of your landscaping.  Having a service come out every 2 to 4 weeks is key to keeping an eye on the sprinkler system.  Also you should always be careful and recognize the signs of heat stroke.  We use this image to keep any eye out for these symptoms:


Weeds!  Everytime we get rains here in Phoenix (which is a pretty rare thing these days), we notice that about 3-4 weeks later that our phones start to ring off of the hook with homeowners calling to have their weeds cleaned up.  We hear the same thing over and over again, “These weeds came out of nowhere!”  With our climate the smallest rain can stimulate growth in our deserts with weeds that grow quickly as tall as 3-4 feet sometimes.  We usually recommend a product that prevents weeds from growing for 6 months at a time called pre-emergent. Here are some of the desert nuisances here in Phoenix;


To summarize, we highly recommend having a service come out at least once a month to keep and maintain both the landscape and sprinkler systems in good condition.  Although this is something homeowners can still do themselves, we here at AMS Landscaping pride ourselves on “keeping yards enjoyable” so you can spend more time with your friends and family.

If you have any landscaping questions, please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

We also offer many other landscaping services and offer great tips and offers on our Blog, Facebook and YouTube pages (see links below):







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