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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Trimming Back Red Bird of Paradise in Phoenix

After we have our last frost here in Phoenix which usually happens in mid to late February it is time to cut back frost damage.  This includes cutting back your red bird of paradise shrubs which have not looked so great by this time of year.  It is best to wait if you can cut these back to protect the shrub.   These shrubs can be cut back pretty severely at this time and the shrub will come right back the same year even larger.  It is a healthy cycle for these bushes to get cut back for the new growth and healthy blooms throughout the spring and summer months.  Please be sure to have lopers and gloves when doing this job and cut back the branches all the way to the stem for healthy cuts.   

If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

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