Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Need Rock In Your Yard?

Granite/Rock Sale (3 tons installed $495)

Does your rock or granite in your yard look bare or need to be spruced up for the holidays?  AMS Landscaping is offering a Granite/rock sale! We will match, deliver & spread 3 tons of rock to spruce up your yard for $495 (normally $650). This offer is thru 1/31/2021 and if you need more rock we can give you an estimate with 20% off.    The best way to get a quick free estimate scheduled is to go to this link on our website;

https://azlawns.com/ and mention the 3-ton offer for $495

Here is an example of a rock job we have recently done;


If you have any landscaping questions,

Please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact.

If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

We also offer many other landscaping services and offer great tips and offers on our Blog, Facebook, and YouTube.

Home Of The Instant Same Day Estimate!

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Use the form below or call us at
(602) 944-0421 today!