Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Do You Have Water Damage From Drainage Around Your Planters?

Over the years here in Phoenix many of our clients have pots or planters around their patios or front doors and in some instances there is heavy water damage from the drainage system around those containers whenever watering occurs for the plant material inside. 
This is vital that the pots drain because soil needs air as much as it needs water and therefore in some cases you may be far away from the landscaping that can absorb much of this water.  We tend to see this under patios with large paver or concrete areas.  If these areas don’t have enough slope to run this water away you find lots of this water corrosion. 
An option for this to avoid water damage without spending lots of money on better drainage is to cut the water back or completely off of these plants and install cactus or succulents that require very little water.  It may sound crazy but there are many exotic and colorful thornless options that will leave you breathless.  Here are just a few images of exactly what we are talking about:
Totem Pole Cactus
Moroccan Mound
Firestick Plants
Cactus Mix
Cactus Mix #2

Image credit: https://www.houzz.com/magazine/cactus-and-succulent-containers-are-ideal-for-hot-sunny-spots-stsetivw-vs~67206270

If you would like to see more options for exotic and rare cactus succulents here in Phoenix we highly recommend Old West Cactus Farm in Anthem, AZ.  They have some of the largest selection of cactus and succulent plants that we have here in Arizona.  Here is a list of many of their plants with images http://oldwestcactusfarm.com/product.html

Old West Cactus Farm


43608 N Black Canyon Hwy

Phoenix, AZ 85087


If you have any landscaping questions,

Please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com. If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

We also offer many other landscaping services and offer great tips and offers on our Blog, Facebook and YouTube.

Home Of The Instant Same Day Estimate!


If all this seems too much to figure out on your own, we highly recommend contacting Ryan Kibner’s company Custom Weed & Pest at 602-956-3844 or go to their website at wekillweeds.com.  Also please follow them on social media;

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(602) 944-0421 today!