Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

3 Common Lawn Myths in Arizona

As a landscaper in the valley since 1999 ,we hear lots of stories about lawns that people think are true.  Because of this , we have decided to create this video blog about the 3 most common myths we hear about their AZ desert landscapes.

Myth 1:

Watering my lawn during the day will kill the grass from sunburn.  This myth may have come from the fact that there are plants that will die from watering during the day but lawns are not one of those species.  Although we do not recommend watering lawns during the peak hours of the day, it is mostly due to the fact that lots of the water will go down with evaporation and loss in overspray.  We recommend watering early in the morning or late in the evening but watering during the day is harmless to your lawn.

Myth 2:

Fertilizing during the heat or during a drought will burn and kill your lawn.  This is not true, although if you overfertilize any time of year with too much nitrogen you can kill your lawn. It is optimum to apply the fertilizer as specified on the product so that you are not fertilizing too much and applying it at the proper rate.  Fertilizing during the hot summer or during droughts when you are trying to conserve water is actually a great way to reduce your water usage and keep your lawn green.

Myth 3:

If the lawn is green, you are overwatering it. This is not true all the time since you can optimize your lawn with fertilizer without overwatering and keeping a great looking lawn.

If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

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