Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

4 Great Shrubs For Small Areas In Your AZ Landscape

Do you have a small area in your landscape that you are having trouble filling in without shrubs overtaking the entire area?  Here in Phoenix, we get this question all the time when we are removing shrubs that are inappropriate for areas without room to grow.  Here is our list of recommended shrubs that are small and will not overtake a landscape;

  1. The first shrub is the Katie Ruellia, these small shrubs are a low groundcover plant that only gets to be about 1-2 feet in diameter and only about 1 foot tall.  These evergreen shrubs bloom with purple flowers and are great accents to your desert landscape.  Here is a link to a full video blog about this shrub; azlawns.com/katieruellia

  2. The second shrub we recommend is the Boxwood Beauty or Natal plum shrub which is a very hardy shrub that can take a really cold frost and our hot summers.  Here is a full video blog about this shrub; azlawns.com/boxwood

  3. The third plant we recommend this the Grey Ice Plant which is a super cool looking succulent plant that has cool looking blooms and do great in full sun.  Here is the link to the full video blog for that shrub; azlawns.com/iceplant

  4. The last plant we recommend for small areas is the Angelita Daisy which is a very hardy perennial that blooms almost all year round with beautiful yellow flowers.  Here is the full video blog about this plant; azlawns.com/agelitadaisy

If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact.

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