Do you live in the Phoenix, AZ metro area? Are you a full time resident, snowbird or part timer? In the valley, more and more homeowners are giving up on their lawn care maintenance. The spring and summer temperatures seem to be getting warmer each year, making it seem impossible to keep your lawn green or even able to mow it on a regular basis. If lawn mowing is no longer your thing, here are some alternatives to mowing your lawn in Phoenix AZ.
1. Install Artificial Turf
Today’s artificial turf is not your grandfather’s artificial turf. It has come a long way. Today, it’s not uncommon for artificial grass to be mistaken for real grass. Yes, it is more costly to install, but over time you’re saving money due to not having to water or fertilize it.
2. Replace with Rock and/or Gravel
A lawn that is well designed with ornamental flowers, gravel, and rocks can create a unique and beautiful yard. The rock alternative provides less weeds and very low maintenance. If you don’t hire a professional landscape company to haul in and lay the rock down, this alternative can be very labor intensive. Also, decorative stones and rock are not very practical for you and your children to play on. Again, in the long run, a rock and stone lawn will save you money. Additionally, more and more people are designing beautiful rock lawns for their front yard and adding artificial turf in their backyard.
There will always be homeowners that love and enjoy lawn care and mowing the lawn. That’s okay, we do too! Consider alternative lawn care maintenance if you’re a part time resident or a winter snowbird. Your weekends should be for having fun, relaxing and enjoying your time with friends and family. If you are no longer interested in lawn mowing or caring for your lawn yourself, simply give us a call or click on the button below for a FREE lawn care quote.