Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

AMS Client Expectation On First Time Service

This video blog is to paint the picture for our first time customers on what the expectation is for the first time service when hiring AMS Landscaping. We understand that communication is very important to a good working relationship and making sure that our clients are on the same page is really important to us. With that said, here is the checklist of what you can expect from AMS Landscaping.

  1. We call our first time customers when we are on our way and either leave a message or speak with the client to let them know we are on our way so that they can plan accordingly.
  2. When we arrive onsite, the fist thing we do is to knock on their door to let the client know we are onsite and go over any pressing issues or in the case of an irrigation problem we would want to be clear on the location of the issue.
  3. We then next provide the service at the property, which is usually a cleanup or the irrigation audit. (irrigation audits will require an approval for any necessary repairs before moving forward)
  4. After this work is completed, we then knock back on the door to go over the service with the client to make certain all issues and concerns have been addressed so they can enjoy their yard again.
  5. Lastly we want to make sure that we cleanup after ourselves with any irrigation repair and make sure the entire property is clean for the first time throughout the entire property.

If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact.

If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

We also offer many other landscaping services and offer great tips and offers on our Blog, Facebook and YouTube pages (see links below):







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