Best Way To Get Rid Of Weeds In Phoenix
Do you have hard to remove weeds in your landscaping rock, granite or dirt areas? We get a lot questions about how AMS Landscaping handles the weeds in the non-turf areas.
First, we usually bid all cleanup and weed removal by cutting down the weed really short and leaving enough green on the weed to spray it with a glysophate product that will kill the weed all the way to the root.
If we remove weeds by hand or with shovels, the weeds can grow back if the entire root is not removed (which is nearly impossible). It is also very costly to remove weeds by hand with shovels, pics and hoes. It is usually 2-3 times the cost due to how much longer it takes to do the work, requiring a lot more man hours AND it’s less effective.
If you want to see examples of how our work turns out, please click this link to see tons of our before and after pictures of cleanups we do throughout the Phoenix, AZ Valley:
Also, if you feel that after the weeds have died all the way to the root and your yard still looks unkept, it would be much less costly to go back after to remove what is left. We also recommend pre-emergent after that since that is a different product that guarantees you will not get weeds for 6 months that is backed by a guarantee.
If you have any questions, please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to to request an appointment.