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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

July Landscaping & Garden Tips for 2023

July is the peak of the growing season in most regions. It is the time of year to tend to our garden as the days get longer and temperature rises! As half a year passed by, this will be the perfect time to look over your garden and check on the things you need to look at or do especially as the weather gets warmer and warmer.

Here are some tips and tricks on keeping your garden beautiful and vibrant!

  1. Cut back foliage or deadhead any plants to encourage a tidier appearance and new blooms.
  2. Do not fertilize trees and shrubs after July 4th to prevent new growth that may lead to winter injury.
  3. If you have a vegetable garden, remember to irrigate regularly during dry weather and mulch sufficiently around vegetable plants to conserve the moisture.
  4. Perfect time to scout for insect and disease problems in the garden.
  5. If you haven’t already done so, provide a balanced fertilizer to your plants to replenish nutrients and sustain healthy growth. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for appropriate application rates.
  6. Water, water, and more water! July is one of the hottest months, and your plants will probably feel the heat. Don’t forget to water deeply in the morning to ensure your plants stay healthy.
  7. During heatwaves, it’s crucial to protect your garden from excessive heat. Provide shade to delicate plants using shade cloth or by positioning temporary covers. Mulching also helps in regulating soil temperature and conserving moisture.
  8. Pull your weeds or contact your local landscaping company for pre-emergent services.
  9. Planning for fall: Start planning and preparing for your fall garden. Research cool-season crops suitable for your region and prepare seed beds or containers for sowing later in the summer.
  10. Enjoying your garden: Take the time to relax and appreciate your garden’s beauty. Set up outdoor seating areas or create a cozy space where you can enjoy the fruits of your gardening efforts.

Every garden is unique and special. We hope that this list can help you keep your plants warm as gardening in July provides ample opportunities to nurture and enjoy a thriving garden.





If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

If you want to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

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