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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Phoenix Winter Grass Watering Schedule

Watering Schedule for Phoenix Winter Grass

October is the month to scalp and seed for a winter lawn here in Phoenix, Arizona.  After the hard work of scalping the yard and spreading the seed you will want to make certain that you program your timer correctly, otherwise the seed can be a waste of time and money.  The whole idea of the watering schedule is to keep the seed moist for 2-3 weeks without too much pooling of water until it germinates.

Here at AMS Landscaping we set our watering schedule to run three (3) times per day at 8:00am, Noon and 3:00pm or 4:00pm. We feel that keeping the seed moist during the hottest parts of the day is most important. If you can run more start times on your system that is great, just keep in mind that you won’t need to run each station as long.

Run time for each station is also very important and greatly depends on the type of sprinklers you have. If you have pop-up sprinklers (sprinklers that are stationary and do not move) you will want to run each station for 5-10 minute cycles depending on how much water pools after they run (meaning if you get too much pooling water sitting for too long you will want to decrease the run time).

If you have rotor sprinklers (sprinklers that rotate) you will want to run longer run times, between 15-20 minute cycles for each station. Keep in mind that if the weather changes or if you notice more pooling of water 3-4 days into this schedule, you should decrease the run times.  Also keep in mind that if your yard has lots of shade or drainage issues you may want to add run times or even run less water.

If you have any other questions, please contact AMS Landscaping at www.azlawns.com.  Also, please subscribe to our YouTube page and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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