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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Weeds Before Overseeding In October

Treating Lawn Weeds Before Overseeding In Phoenix

Do you have weeds in your lawn before you scalp and plant your winter lawn in October?  If you are about to scalp you can most definitely treat these lawn weeds with Weed & Feed from your local Home Depot or garden center (here is a link to the product)


We recommend treating your lawn with this treatment at least 3-4 days before you scalp your lawn to overseed for the winter here in Phoenix.  We do not recommend any granular Weed & Feed because we prefer the liquid application to treat the weeds through the green of the leaf and not the roots.  This is better for other plants that may be nearby that can be impacted by the treatment which you should avoid when spraying the lawn weeds with the hose.

It is also important to know that most of these weeds that are growing in August through October will likely not survive the cooler months of November and December so if you skip this treatment altogether you will likely not see most of those types of weeds like spurg and other summer broadleaf weeds.  However, you will see different weeds that start popping up later in the winter months.


Please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com.

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