The Lycianthes Rantonnei, commonly known as the Potato Bush are perfect shrubs for the summer heat in Arizona. A Potato Bush can withstand USDA 9-10 and can grow rapidly up to 12 ft in partial shade or in full sun and is semi-deciduous. If you love the color purple, this shrub can give your landscape the color they need as the Potato Bush’s flowers can bloom all year round. They also bear fruits which are known as berries. Though adapted to the Phoenix heat, the plant would still do better with regular watering and good drainage. Either this can be done weekly or more often in extreme weather. On cold days, the potato bush tends to freeze up thus needing frost protection. They will come back though in Spring. This tropical shrub does great in containers and tolerates various types of soil. Potato Bushes aren’t poisonous. This Lycianthes enjoys regular watering and fertilizing. It also does better with a fair amount of organic matter in the ground. It can be trained as a vine. Animals such as Hummingbirds and butterflies will visit occasionally throughout the extremely long blooming season, and other birds use the branches for shelter and nesting materials all year.
We do recommend regular watering, check out the watering schedule here;
These vines are not susceptible to disease or insects.
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