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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Preparing For A Winter Lawn In Phoenix

Preparing For A Winter Lawn In Phoenix

We start preparing for a winter lawn in mid to late September.  Because the optimum time to plant a winter lawn in early to mid-October its best to start preparing the fact that you will need to contact your landscaper or pre-order seed.  It is also important to shut the water off to your lawn areas where you plan to scalp and plant so that the bermuda grass go dormant for the fall.  This way the bermuda grass is not growing up through the winter rye seed while you are establishing the winter lawn.  We want to also make certain that even if you scalp before October you want to make certain that our nighttime temperatures are in the 60’s when laying down seed and that your sprinkler system is in good working order.  Sometimes we get a late heat spurt in early October that can possibly harm the winter rye if you have already gotten it established early.  Of coarse watering the seed 3-4 times per day to make certain the seed is moist for at least 2-3 weeks during this germination period in October. 

If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

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