January is the best time to prune your roses in Phoenix and the Desert Southwest.
We prune roses in January in order to cut back all the old growth for the new healthy growth that will come back starting in February.
To start you will need lopers for more significant cuts, small pruners for most of the rose stem cuts, pruning sealant, gloves, a rake, and a tarp or trash can. You will want to cut back the rose bushes by about 50% so that there are not any leaves left on the bush. You can leave more on newer shrubs until they get more established but do not worry about the shrub since it usually comes back larger within a few short months with beautiful blooms. Make sure that when making the cuts to the rose bush, you are cutting at the base of the stem of each branch that you decide to cut. You will not want to leave any bit of the branch from the base of the stem it will just die and be unhealthy growth for the rose bush. In the video, you can see a quick video on the whole shrub getting cut back and how much debris is left when the pruning is complete.
If you want to know more about roses there is a great organization called the Arizona Rose Society and you can see their year long recommendation for roses here;
Here is also a great blog on rose pruning done by the University of Illinois
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