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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Does Your Artificial Turf Smell?

This video is about how to address a dirty or smelly artificial turf area in your yard. If you have pets your fake grass can get heavy traffic and sometimes lots of pet waste.

Maybe you had a party and lots of beer or food fell on the turf areas that require cleanup. We have been using Dumpster Intervention Patrol who does all types of outdoor cleaning.

This video shows how Dumpster IP gets this done. Thomas Dawson is the owner of the company and goes through steps showing you how he gets this done. Here are some of the other services he offers:

  • Dumpster cleaning (this is amazing!)
  • Artificial turf
  • Solar panels
  • Windows and screens
  • Powerwashing

Here is how you can contact them;

Dumpster Intervention Patrol (Dumpster IP)



Here is a great video on what they specialize in (trash can cleaning);

If you have any landscaping questions,

Please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com. If you would like to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

We also offer many other landscaping services and offer great tips and offers on our Blog, Facebook and YouTube.

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