Summer Yard Watering Tips When It’s 120 Degrees in Phoenix!
On Father’s Day weekend we hit 120° here in Phoenix, Arizona. Anytime the temperature gets above 110°, we typically water on average with pop-up sprinklers for 15 to 20 minute per cycle, 5 to 6 days per week. You can even split the start times so that you’re only watering 7 to 10 minutes twice per day if you’re getting a lot of run off or wasted water.
There can also be a lot of overspray when watering. The average pop up sprinkler dispenses 3 gallons per minute of water each sprinkler head. MP Rotators only use about 1 to 1.5 gallons per minute with less mist and more even coverage which makes them more efficient during these hot summer days. We also recommend watering in the early morning versus the evening or daily watering. However, if you have to split water times we usually recommend an hour after the first start time.
Please call us if you have any lawn care or landscaping questions at (602) 944-0421 or check out our website, Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and you can also follow us on or on twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat at @azlawns.