Welcome to AMS Landscape Maintenance


Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Excessive Heat Is Stressing Phoenix Trees, Plants, & Cactus

We have been having excessive heat this summer of 2023 in Phoenix, We had 31 straight days over 110 degrees and nighttime temperatures that don’t get below 90 degrees at night.  This heat is impacting the health of our desert landscape.  Here are the tips we are recommending for this hot spell;

  1. Do not prune your trees or shrubs, only lightly prune if you have to prevent growth over walkways or driveways but please keep that to a minimum.  

  2. Even leave dead or dying branches that may be shading the rest of the tree or shrub.

  3. Leaves hold water and the fewer leaves you cut off the stronger the plant will be, each time you prune a tree or shrub it’s like a wound and during this heat, it can be a challenge.

  4. Do not fertilize with anything high in nitrogen, or any fertilizer during the heat period.  If you must fertilize, please use something organic with low amounts of nitrogen.

  5. Deep watering is important all year but especially during this heat spell.  That means watering longer on drip irrigation but skipping days so that the roots can access water deeper into the ground.

  6. Screening plants during the hottest part of the day when there is radiant heat off walls and sidewalks makes it more challenging for plants to survive this heat.

  7. Watering cactus and succulent plants once per week with a hose simulating rain (do not water the roots of cactus or succulent plants)


If you have any landscaping questions please contact AMS Landscaping at (602) 944-0421 or go to our website at azlawns.com/contact

If you want to see some current pictures of our work please click azlawns.com/pics.

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