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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Thevetia/Yellow Oleander in Phoenix

Thevetia/Yellow Oleander in Phoenix

Thevetia/Yellow oleanders (thevetia peruviana) are great smaller trees or large bushes for areas on your property that you may want to block or even create a barrier or border with some greenery all year.  Thevetia grow tall and round between 6-12 feet tall and can be pruned to look like a tree.  The leaves are thin/long bright green with medium sized yellow tubular blooms.  These plants are thornless with very light litter throughout the year   Here is our recommendation for watering here in Phoenix.  They grow best in full sun and are very hardy in our Arizona desert areas.  The do require regular watering throughout the year and here is our recommended watering schedule;


Light pruning to keep the shape of these plants or just to keep them from getting top heavy or to maintain like a tree by lifting the canopy.  There are no diseases or pest concerns with this species but they are considered poisonous so keep pets away from ingesting any part of this plant.

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