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Common Toxic Plants To Pets In Phoenix

Common Toxic Plants To Pets In Phoenix

Have you ever been concerned about plants that maybe toxic to your pets? If you have a pet that maybe likes to chew or eat everything in front of them, this video blog is for you.

Desert plants and trees can produce toxic substances that can sometimes lead to mild nausea or even death for pets. Although it’s not as common to lose a pet to death from a plant, it can and does occur. Some pets maybe more susceptible to certain plants than others. Here is a list of toxic plants, but please keep in mind that this list is only a guide and slight pet consumption may have little to no impact.


Some plants have only leaves, flowers or pods that are toxic and other plants maybe entirely poisonous.  Some may have seeds or roots that should be of concern. This list is great because it explains that in the details of the guide and although we don’t see lots of cases of plants harming pets, we should still be cautious. This is a great list that shows every possibility of toxicity of each plants. Some plants that we know are toxic are:

  • Oleander leaves and blooms
  • Bird of Paradise pods
  • Sago Palms
  • Poinsettia plants

We recommend contacting the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals poison control number or the ASPCA: (888) 426-4435.

Also, here is a list of the top 10 toxic things that harm pets and many are more concerning than plants by the ASPCA. Human medications, flee poison and human food are the top 3 on this list. Plants and garden products make the end of the list, but educating yourself it always a great thing when it comes to pets you have at home.


The American Humane Society has a great blog on how to prevent, treat, and handle pet consumption of toxic plants:


If you have any other questions, please contact AMS Landscaping at www.azlawns.com

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