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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Winter Lawn Watering Concerns During This Drought

Are you concerned about the lack of water in Phoenix impacting your decision on whether or not to plant a winter lawn this year?  When possible we always want to recommend not installing a winter lawn, especially if you have a large turf area.  However, NPR did a segment on the show “Here and Now” where they interviewed Cynthia Campbell who is the water resources management advisor for the City of Phoenix.  She had some interesting points regarding our water situation.  Currently, Phoenix uses 70% of our water for Agriculture and only 20% for Municipalities.   Also back in the 70’s about 80% of residents had lawns in their front and back yards, compared to today which is only 9%!  Because of the education we did here in Phoenix, we have significantly decreased the number of lawns here in the valley.  Although we still do not recommend planting larger turf areas, if you do have a small backyard patch that you want to plant, you should not have guilt or shame about wanting to enjoy that small area looking beautiful at the best time of year to be in Phoenix.  Cynthia Campbell also said that every drop we save would not go into the Colorado river but rather be used towards another city.  She even said that if we completely shut the water off to all the major cities that use the Colorado river, we still would not be reaching the goals of the Beaural of Reclamation.  With that said, we would love to be able to help you convert any turf areas in your yard to rock or even artificial turf to mitigate the water issue as much as possible.  Click the link below to listen to the full segment on “Here and Now” on NPR.




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