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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

When Should I Prune Roses In Phoenix?

Hello! I’m Eli Hall with AMS Landscaping in Phoenix, Arizona. I get asked all the time, “When should I prune roses in Phoenix?” January is the best time to prune your roses.  This short video will show you the proper way to cut back your rose bushes this winter.

The tools needed to prune back roses are pruning shears, protective gloves, pruning sealant and large loppers for larger cuts. When cutting back a rose bush, you will usually cut back about 50% of the shrub and there are usually no leaves left after making these cuts. Making correct cuts on the rose bush is very important and all cuts should be made all the way to the base of where the stem started or where they “V” off from the main branch. Sometimes you will overlook incorrect cuts but you will be able to notice them the following year in which case you can cut them at that point. Pruning sealant is important to cover the new cards to protect them throughout the year from bugs and infection.

If you have any other questions or would like a more detailed list of exactly what’s included in our regular landscape services, please give us a call at (602) 944-0421 or check out our website, www.azlawns.com. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and you can also follow us on Facebook.com/AMSLandscaping or on twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat at @azlawns.


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