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Yard Care in Phoenix and Glendale AZ

Summer Lawn Care Tips for Phoenix, AZ

lawn watering tips for phoenix az

Believe it or not, homeowners in Phoenix, AZ really do have grass lawns. Due to our harsh summer heat, some people probably think it is wrong. 

Either way, it is a reality here in the desert.  It is important to stay informed of effective summer lawn care tips to maintain a healthy lawn while trying to conserve water. Our triple digits may tempt you to want to water every day, but it’s really not necessary.

First, know how much to water your lawn.  The roots of the grass are healthiest when they receive water each time you water.  Typically, watering to a depth of 10 inches is standard. 

Test your soil one hour after watering using a long screwdriver. If you’re unable to push the screwdriver in easily to 10 inches, you’ll need to water longer until you’re able to.

When is the best time to water?  Water a few hours before the sun rises. If you water during the day, the water will evaporate. 

Try not to water when it is windy outside and mow on a regular basis to keep your grass healthy.

Finally, make sure your sprinklers are functioning properly. Check on a regular basis that water is coming out properly. If you find mushy spots in your lawn or dry spots, call AMS Landscaping at 602.944.0421 to schedule a service appointment.

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